Monday, January 29, 2007

January...(don't forget to read December)

January started off quietly, but then we headed out to Grammy Lois and Grampa Skip's for 4 days. Rich and Jen worked at a function their company was holding in Indian Wells and Lucas vacationed at Grammy and Grandpa's house. He had a great time and due to unfortunate circumstances (their transmission going out on their way home to Tuscon from Disneyland) - Lucas got to play with the Lindstrom cousins. He wanted to be a part of the crowd so much - he finally put together 4-5 steps.

Once we returned home there was no stopping Lucas - he has been walking ever since...

News traveled quickly of Lucas now walking - so Aunt Pamme and Uncle Mike had to see it with their own eyes.

We were gearing up for Lucas' First Birthday when he came down with an ear infection, coupled with vomiting and other wonderful things. So we let him open his present and play with the balloons on his birthday - but reserved the cake and cupcakes for later...Poor little guy.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Hi all - It has been a bit since we have updated the blog. So here is a recap of the last half of December.

Mid-December we took Lucas to have his picture taken with Santa. We weren't sure how he would react to Santa and were even more worried when the 2 kids in front of us were bawling and screaming. But our happy go lucky little guy sat on Santa's lap grinned, giggled and tried to pull Santa's beard.

After the picture the whole family was down with the stomach flu for a week - but we recovered in time for Christmas.

Sue and Bruce came down from Berkeley just before the holiday.

We spent the 23rd with Ted, Sue, Calvin and my Aunt Marilyn at the Quail Botanical Garden's Holiday Lights...Unfortunately the only picture I got was of Lucas and Rich. It was a great evening and fun to see everyone.

We spent Christmas Eve and Day here at the house. Sue, my mom, Lois, Skip and Danny the dog joined us. The house was very full, but everyone had a great time. Lucas was a bit overwhelmed with all the action on Christmas morning.

Nana Janet had Sue search the world to find a wonderful Radio Flyer Fire Engine. Lucas' first set of wheels. He has a great time on it and loves to push the horn over and over again.

The day after Christmas we decided Lucas was ready for his first hair cut. (People kept calling Lucas a girl :() He sat in the little car and was happy the whole time. I think I had a harder time with it.

We said goodbye to this unbelievable year and rang in the new year quietly at home. New year post to come soon! :)