Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lucas is 3!

Lucas I can't believe you are 3 years old. Where has the time gone?

You started off as a scrappy little guy and have blossomed in to such an amazing little boy. Your Dad and I can't believe the things you are doing and saying. From writing your name (and ours), to building amazing structures or saying the funniest things. You keep us busy and trying to be one step ahead (of course we never are). You are a great big brother to Owen - when he cries you try to sooth him and when he gets in to your toys, you let him or give him another. You watch over him at Candy's and make him laugh.
We love you so much and are so blessed to have you!

Your Birthday!

One Year Old!

Two Years Old!

Three Years Old!

Lucas had his 3 year Dr's appt on Monday...Weighing in at 36lbs (75th percentile) and 39 inches (95th percentile) -- All is great and he had a huge grin on his face the entire time! -- Dr Neglia was totally impressed by the fact that Lucas could write his name for him (he asked for Lucas to draw a circle and I said how about his name?)...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Updated - Finally!

Sorry for the lack of updates -- as you can see, we have been busy! -- And things are just getting started - Lucas turns 3 this weekend, as well as, 2 of his buddies turning 3 in the next 2 weeks- so lots of parties and fun. The Superbowl (Go Steelers!) and Rich and I head to SF mid February - so you might even get a kid free post!

Love, Jen
Skull Mountain
Here we are getting ready to set out on our Adventure.
(Rich will add video later)...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

6 months old and such a big boy!

Owen is now 6 months old. Army crawling everywhere and talking up a storm. (Rich says he is saying Dada - I think it is Mama!) He loves his highchair and is eating stage 2 foods now. He is always happy (I know I said that before), but happiest at his brother's side. Owen weighs 16lb 15oz (40th percentile) and is 27.5 inches long (80th percentile) and his head is 44cm (75th percentile). Dr Neglia was surprised he was crawling and said he felt his 2 bottom teeth coming in!

80 Degrees in January

We are having a heat spell and loving it! -- We all loved being outside -- raking leaves and hanging out.


Just a couple of pictures of what goes on everyday and night. Lucas loves to build! Whether it is his tinkertoys, megablocks, legos, wood blocks or lincoln logs - we are always building! -- Owen likes getting in the act now too!


Lucas and Rich have been hitting the adventure trail over the last couple of weekends. Lucas is finally old enough to walk a good portion and really enjoy what nature has to offer.

Their first adventure was to Torrey Pines State Park - they were in search of the Tesoro bird and his treasure...Lucas loved it. He wore his adventure hat (aka Santa hat) and is still talking about it.

Their second adventure was to Lake Calaveras...they hiked to go find the majic trout fish and to see Skull Mountain.

Owen and I will get to join the next hike to climb Skull Mountain :)

Here are some pictures - Rich will add video from his new Flip video camara soon

Christmas Day

I think the pictures tell it all - Lucas loved every minute of it. He loved his gifts, as well as, helping others with theirs. Owen enjoyed hanging on the floor and getting in to things he shouldn't. We missed my mom who wasn't able to make it -but sent some videos home to her.

The only evening picture we have is Lucas cracking the traditional Christmas cracker - my turkey did not defrost (afte 5 days in the fridge - frozen solid) and I couldn't find an open grocery store - so our Christmas dinner was a bit of a bust - but we had each other and that is what Christmas is all about!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve morning was spent wrapping more presents, setting up Grandpa Skip's childhood train set around the tree and reading books. After lunch we headed to the Bowling Alley for a new family tradition of bowling on Christmas Eve. (An activity Rich remembers doing with his Grandfather.) We had a quiet Christmas Eve evening of homemade pizza, hot chocolate, making sure the reindeer and Santa had food when they stopped by and the traditional puzzle.