Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Owen is 9 months

Wow how fast it has gone by!

Owen is such a wonderful little boy with a wild and crazy personality. He claps, waves bye bye and shakes his head to no no no. Owen is the fastest crawler I have ever seen - if you turn your back he is 1/2 up the stairs - so close to walking on his own. 2 bottom teeth have arrived and 2 top teeth who are just peeking through. He loves eating his stars and yogurt drops and has just started stage 3 foods with cooked carrots, potatoes and peas. Owen is not a lap sitter/snuggler like his brother - but will occasionally crawl up on your lap for a hug or snuggle. He loves his brother and wants to be doing just what he is and has earned the name "Mr Destructo". His 9 month appt is scheduled for the 27th (Dr Neglia is on his annual spring vacation) we'll report the height/weight numbers then.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

We headed out in the rain to Eggapalooza...luckily once we arrived the rain had cleared up and we even had some blue sky. They did a great job with the festivities this year. We had our picture taken with the Easter Bunny, participated in the egg hunt, slid and jumped in the different bouncies (no fear this year), had a pony ride, decorated a cookie and even got a balloon hat. Lots of fun!

The Egg Hunt

Checking out the Eggs

Tasting some of the goodies

Playing after the hunt

Climbing and sliding


Crawling through the bouncy obstacle course

Riding the pony

Decorating a cookie

and of course eating the cookie

Bunny fun...

A balloon hat made just for Lucas

We colored eggs in the afternoon. Grammie, Grandpa Skip, Katrin, Sebi and Silas joined us.

Owen getting in his jammies and ready for the Easter Bunny to stop by the house...

Lucas put out 2 carrots for the Easter Bunny - one in plain spot and he hid one since the Easter Bunny hids the eggs.

Easter morning we went to 8am services. Lucas sat through the entire service and even picked up some of the message. Though when Rich asked him if he wants to attend "adult" church again or go to the kids section. He said he wanted to try the adult church once and next time he'll go back to the kids section. After church we headed home to see what the Easter Bunny had left...

There were many eggs to be found - with lots of excitement and Lucas found his basket on the fence. We also hid the eggs he colored in the front yard and told him if he found all 10 the Easter Bunny had left him another surprise. With several recounts he found all 10 and was thrilled to get another fire engine.

My mom and Katie joined us for brunch.

Aunt Pamme sent confetti filled eggs - Lucas and Rich thought it would be fun to play baseball with them. If you click and enlarge the pictures you can see the confetti flying through the air

Then the afternoon was rounded out with watching the Masters.

and everyone went home and we were in bed early after a wonderful weekend of family and friends.