Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Big Boy Shopper

Lucas normally accompanies me on the weekend grocery shopping trip - but he opted to do yard work with his dad...so Owen got to come along - first time to sit in the shopping seat - he giggled and grinned the entire time - even held the shopping list for me.

Elfin Forrest Adventure Hike

A couple of weekends ago we went on another Adventure Hike with the boys. One of our favorites...we hadn't done it since Lucas was a couple of months old. Lucas was a trooped and climbed a good 50% of the hike -- Owen hung out in the snugli, but was thrilled when we let him roam around on the picnic table once we made it to the top.

Rich and Lucas in the same spot - 3 years ago.

Writing everyone's name in the sand - so they knew we had been there

Enjoying Lunch and Applying Sunscreen

Saturday, February 21, 2009

San Francisco

So our getaway romantic weekend – changed a bit and the boys came with us. Though initially I was sad that we wouldn’t be able to go to some of my favorite places in San Francisco, it all changed with the excitement in Lucas’ voice when we told him about our adventure to SF (riding on a plane and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge etc.)

Here are Lucas, Rich and Owen waiting at the airport for our plane to depart. (We flew Virgin America – and we highly recommend – 5 star service from check in to deplaning.) We don’t have any pictures on the plane, because most of the ride was spent cleaning up after Owen who decided to throw up his dinner all over us.

Here we are on BART – Lucas loved it and was asking us to read all the posters etc…from there we walked 10 blocks up to the hotel. Kids smiling – Rich and I out of breath. We stayed at the Nob Hill Hotel – not the most kid friendly place – but they did have an fun little elevator, a real fire hose in the hallway and an ice machine – all staples in a 3 year olds life.

Friday morning we were up early and praying for no rain. We loaded up and rode the California line Cable Car to Van Ness and the a series of buses to get to the Palace of Fine Arts – which most of was closed for renovations – then over to the Exploratorium – not sure who had more fun – Rich or Lucas – but it was fun! – Owen enjoyed the little munchkin part and was happy to get out of the snugli. (Lunch at the Exploratorium was great too!) – From there we hopped on the 28 bus and rode it to the SF entrance of the Golden Gate Bridge…Lucas ran around and really wanted us to go down to the Fort – but we saw big black clouds heading our way and decided it was time to go. Several buses later and some heavy rain we made it safely back to our hotel.

Aunt Sue came by that evening and stayed with the kids, so we could have a quick dinner out and a visit to the Mark Hopkins and back to the hotel to crash.

Saturday morning we were out early – on to the California line cable car (heading the other direction) to the Ferry building for some coffee and snacks and to watch the boats and ferries – then we rode one of the old Street Cars down to Pier 39 to see the seals and walk around. From there we walked through the wharf – so Lucas could see the giant crabs and then picked up a quick lunch – Owen’s first experience in a restaurant highchair – he grinned, giggled and flirted the entire time. From there we headed to the Hyde Street Piers to see the old boats. Rich and Lucas spent almost 2 hours – walking and rewalking the tug boat and ferry boat – they were amazing – Owen and I hung out and walked around and enjoyed watching the other 2 boys explore. We walked up to the Powell and Mason cable car line. I knew the wait would be long, but wanted Lucas to see the turn around – we had good timing as a car was just coming in. Then both boys fell asleep – so we decided to walk the 12 blocks home – as it was in my first SF neighborhood – Russian Hill and through the Polk Gulch – so nice to remember, but so much has changed.

We ran in to a bit of a dinner snafu, as we thought we would get dinner from the hotel restaurant – but forgot it was Valentine’s day, which meant Valentine's day special meals and nothing for us -- So Lucas and I headed to Cala foods and bought a couple microwaveable items and some yummy cupcakes and the family had a night of playing firefighter and eating on the bed!

We woke to pouring rain on Sunday – packed up and headed to the airport…the trip ended like it started (minus Owen throwing up on the plane). We arrived home (after picking up Bagda the fish at my mom’s house) and were very tired but had great fond memories of the weekend and all of us can’t wait to get back!
“O” man is 7 months old (plus a couple of days)

Time just keeps on flying by. Owen sleeps through the night and wakes up happy and ready to start the day. He is very consistent with his food schedule (unlike his brother who is a snacker). Has 2 bottom teeth. Crawling everywhere and clearly saying Mama to me…He sits up on his own, but loves to sit on his knees. He climbs everything and everyone and prefers to be standing and holding on to things. With the standing has come some big falls and some bruises – but he just gets back up and starts again. He loves to be with his brother and we love watching them make each other laugh. We are truly blessed to have 2 wonderful little guys…it just keeps getting better!

Classic Owen pose - standing with his tongue out.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Steelers Win!

What a game...we enjoyed here at home with the boys (so Rich could concentrate on the game). Both boys were asleep before it was over, but showed their spirit during the game.

So, the last Steelers win was Lucas' first SuperBowl (he was 3 weeks old) and Owen's first they won too...hmmmm!

A couple of quick pics...

Charlie's 3rd Birthday Party

We were honored to be invited to Charlie's family party. Here are a couple of pictures are the boys enjoying playing and brunch.

O - the creeper and climber...nothing is safe

Lucas' 3rd Birthday Party

A party it was...17 1.5 to 4 year olds at Playwerx. Lot's of kids, lots of fun...Lucas loved every minute of it.