Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cookies and Camping . Woo hoo!

Hi Everyone,
Our camera broke so its been a while since we last posted. we bought a new camera just in time for our camping trip to San Elijo beach, however. We had a great time and Lucas proved himself to be a natural outdoorsman. He absolutely loves the beach, too. We have some great pics below.

But first, we bought new appliances for our kitchen a few weeks ago and decided that the best thing to do the first night we had our new oven was to bake chocolate chip cookies. Lucas helped, of course.

Hope all is well.

Rich, Jen, and Lucas

Hmmm...I have an idea...

What if....

I stuck my finger in here...

And licked it! Yummmmmy.

Are they done yet?

Pitchin' the tent...Lucas loves Dad's tools.

Stackin' wood.

The view from our campsite.

Our Friends Dan and Candy showed up.
Dan and Rich surfed both days.

Lucas surfed too!

We walked to Starbucks and VG donut on Sunday morning.

Lucas' friend Shane from daycare ran into us at VG Donut.

The terrible twos have arrived...