Sunday, August 30, 2009

Finishing out August 2009

We attended the Hullabaloo Concert and played at Quail Botancial Gardens

Had "Bob the Builder" time with Grandpa Skip

Tried on our Halloween Costumes...Lucas will be a firefighter
again this year - with Owen as the new recruit at the Mauser Fire Station

Lucas had his first dentist appt (and his first Pacman experience)
He did great at the dentist - No cavities!

We did quite a bit of indoor play, as the temps
were reaching 100 degrees!

and in the morning and evenings we hung out in
our backyard

Did some reading too!

and of course lots of pool time. Lucas hit his stride
with confidence in the pool and is almost swimming
on his own...

We attended Mattea's 2nd Birthday party and then...

Off to the races...(with Shannon and Mike)
Lucas and Owen loved the doubledecker bus ride over to the
track and back...

and to cap the day off (and probably the hightlight of Lucas'
month). Lucas learned how to change a flat tire.

That's it for August 2009!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mission Bay (Anza Cove)

We had a family day down at the bay and it was a beautiful day! We played on the play ground, Lucas rode his bike, Owen played with his truck, we watched the jet skiiers, saw a fire/police boat, ate snacks and relaxed.

(Rich downloaded the pictures - they are out of order - but you get the idea of what a beautiful day it was)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tire Swing

We have lots of walking trails all around where we live. We ventured out on a trail that we have walked many times. In the past dad has been the only one to ride the tire swing, but this time Lucas decided he was ready and loved every minute of it!
Owen (Mr. No Fear) wanted to climb on...maybe next time