Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2009
Not many pictures taken by us...We had a nice day with everyone and the turkey even turned out good. So much to be thankful for...

The evening was complete with a fire show from Lucas

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Santa through Lucas' eyes

Lucas' imagination grows everyday. You can tell he has been paying attention to all we have been talking about. He came up with his Santa costume all by himself.

(please excuse the house mess in the video - we were in the middle of putting up Thanksgiving decorations and folding the laundry :))

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Owen's 4 month old appointment

We visited Dr Neglia yesterday. Owen weighs in at 14.1lbs (50th percentile) and is 26 inches long (90th percentile)and a head circumfrence of 42cm (50th percentile). He is smaller than his brother at this age, but not by much. Owen did not get his shots, as he has been running a low grade fever for the last couple of days. We think it is teething related (lots of drool to go with the fever). Dr Neglia felt it was nothing to worry about. He also said Owen could start cereal. We started tonight and he loved it - scarfed the whole bowl down :)

(Ok, I knew I had a double chin, but when did the 3rd one arrive? :))
My Birthday Weekend...

What a nice 40th Birthday (yes, 40th!).

I had a wonderful lunch with my boss - sushi - then dinner at my mom's house - always great. She also ordered us a great meal of crab cakes, creamed spinach and chocolate lava cakes that we'll eat this weekend (with the yummy bottle of wine from Debbie). After dinner with my mom we loaded in to the car and headed out to LaQuinta. Besides being hit by a tumbleweed - we had a very peaceful trip over the mountain in to the desert. Saturday morning we headed out to Palm Springs to ride the tram up the mountain. Lucas loved it and I liked it. We had lunch and hiked around at the top. We went for an adventure walk (who knew you could spend 15 minutes looking at a drain), played on the golf course and then had a great dinner topped off with a childhood favorite - ice cream cake and a fireworks show. Sunday morning was spent in the pool - Lucas giggling and screaching the entire time. Owen went in for the first time. No giggles, but seemed to like it. It was so nice being with my boys - all 3 of them!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Owen is 4 months old today...

Our little guy is growing so fast. Lots of smiles and always watching his brother.
He rolls from back to front and back again. His 4 month appointment is on the 18th and we'll find out his weight and height then.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Owen to Daycare and Mom back to work

This day came too soon! -- I missed Owen all day, but I don't think he missed me much. He was greeted this morning with a Welcome on the chalk board and his brother vowed to make sure he was protected all day. He participated in music and school time and when he wasn't pooping (5 times today), he was cuddled in Mr Dan's arms.

We are so lucky to have Dan and Candy in our lives!

Work was ok for me - what a different company it is - 30 people (30%) of the company laid off in the 4 months I was gone and lots of fear of more. :(

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Aunt Kym, Uncle Marc, Dodger and Loki come for a visit

Marc and Kym arrived on Tuesday from Colorado (with a quick stop first to LaQuinta). We were so happy to have them come stay, as we missed the July trip to Colorado this year.

The first morning they were here Rich had to work - so we took the dogs to the preserve for a hike. Lucas walked the hike (including the big hill) and showed Kym and Marc the trails. (pictures to come - I forgot the camera, but Marc didn't)
That evening Lucas had us all playing basketball and then was in bed at 7pm :) -- we dranks lots of wine and had a Ben and Jerries party!

Thursday we all loaded up and went down to Dog Beach in Ocean Beach to let the dogs and Lucas run around. The water was chilly but it didn't stop any of them. Afterwards, Kym and Marc headed out on a bike ride and we made a quick stop to Sea World (spent most of the time at the play area) - then met up again for a seafood lunch. Marc and Kym watched the boys, so we went and had a fabulous italian dinner and relaxed for a bit.

Friday morning was a bit of a bummer - Marc and Kym went out to the truck to find someone had broken in over night and stolen their phones and Marc's wallet - it put a damper on their trip, but we were able to convince them to stay another night. While they were taking care of truck things, we decided to take Dad over to PlayWerx so he could see what it was all about. Then Grammie and Grandpa arrived to stay the night. We had a great time talking and a wonderful Thai meal.

Can you find Lucas in this picture?

Marc and Kym left early on Saturday to head back to Colorado. We took Danny, Grammie and Grandpa to a new park to run off energy and then they headed home. Lucas and Rich rode over to the park on the bike.

It was so nice to see Marc and Kym...the boys love them both so much! We can't wait to see them again!