Monday, January 25, 2010

Lucas is 4...

How can you be 4? Lucas you made us parents and changed our lives. You are smart, fun and a challenge - and we wouldn't give it up for the world! You are a great big brother and a big help to mom and dad.

At 4 years old you are reading, writing and even doing double digit math. You surprise us daily on the things you remember and how fast you learn. We love that you love to use your imagination. We love you L!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lucas' Family Birthday Party

Today was supposed to be Lucas' party with all his little friends...but after a week of rain and a very wet park, we postponed until the 6th and celebrated with the family.

Pizza, pirate cupcakes, some presents and a great game of pin the treasure box on the map.

Friday, January 15, 2010

18 months...

How is time going by so fast? Owen is an amazing spirit. He wakes up happy and is on the go. He wants to do whatever his brother is doing and loves his dad's iphone. He is fearless and all boy - but also loves snuggle moments with his mom. He eats most anything we put in front of him - with blueberries being his favorite snack/treat.

Owen has his 18th month appt with Dr Neglia. All is good...He weighs 24lbs and 15 ounces (47th percentile), he is 32.5 inches tall (57th percentile) and his head size is in the 63rd percentile.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Birch Aquarium

Nana gave us a membership for Christmas - so off we went to the aquarium - it was sunny and 75 degrees - and just beautiful.

Lucas wanted to see what was in every tank - Owen wanted to jump off of everything he could. The boys loved the water play area. Can't wait to go back again.